【限定優惠】EasyStore 迎 11 週年慶,開店即送最高 25 萬開店好禮! 限時領取



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Koji | EasyStore

Theme Features

  •  Homepage video  | EasyStore
    Homepage video

    Feature Youtube video to highlight your story on home page.

  •  Featured collection  | EasyStore
    Featured collection

    Display your choice of featured collections on home page.

  •  Auto-crop image  | EasyStore
    Auto-crop image

    Display all products images on listing page evenly.

  •  Flexible logo alignment  | EasyStore
    Flexible logo alignment

    Adjust brand logo placement with your preferred aligment.

  •  Vertical menu dropdown  | EasyStore
    Vertical menu dropdown

    Feature all main and child menu in drop-down vertical display.

  •  Product image rollover  | EasyStore
    Product image rollover

    Reveal the next image when hover over products on listing pages.

  •  Flexible product image ratio  | EasyStore
    Flexible product image ratio

    Adjust listing page product images ratios in 1:1, 4:3, 3:2.


50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 國家地區
200+ 應用擴充
80+ 生態夥伴


  • Solnar | EasyStore
    對我而言,EasyStore 非常適合剛開始起步並希望經營品牌的商家,因為需要投入的資金較低,比較沒有那麼吃力。尤其 EasyStore 後台介面操作一點都不複雜,而且還有很多漂亮的佈景主題版型及行銷工具,非常推薦!
    Solnar Alice — 創辦人
  • Littdlework | EasyStore
    非常推薦大家來使用 EasyStore 架設屬於自己的獨立官網,以此來更好地經營品牌。尤其是已經累計了基礎粉絲的品牌,可以更容易地把客人從 Instagram 及 Facebook 帶到網站轉化成訂單。
    Littdlework 流星 — 創辦人