Grow your business with fast access to banking
Helping you start, grow, transform.
Apply a UOB accountStay on top of your business
Few clicks to apply an account
Scan and tap to apply an account right away, no heavy integration needed throughout the process.
Quick payment with UOB Duitnow
Customers just need to scan your UOB QR code and click Pay, speeding up check-out process.
Cross border collection
Serve and receive payment from international customers such as Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia.
Apply a UOB Business
Current Account today
The business current account for all your business needs
EasyStore Plans
Built for all sizes of businesses
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非常推薦大家來使用 EasyStore 架設屬於自己的獨立官網,以此來更好地經營品牌。尤其是已經累計了基礎粉絲的品牌,可以更容易地把客人從 Instagram 及 Facebook 帶到網站轉化成訂單。
Littdlework 流星 — 創辦人 -
非常推薦 EasyStore 給電商新手,尤其有商品及金物流整合需求的人,都很適合使用。在 EasyStore 這邊有專業的團隊協助,出現任何問題都能隨時與客服反映,金流和物流很方便,商品上架的部分也很喜歡。總的來說,使用 EasyStore 下來能夠減去很多不必要的手動工作。
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这些人氣品牌都选择使用 EasyStore
50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 国家地区
200+ 扩充应用
80+ 生态伙伴