Accept global payments with Stripe

Increase your revenue with payment methods built to reach global customers with no additional work needed.

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Accept global payments with Stripe | EasyStore

Complete payment solution

  •  Zero setup & yearly fees  | EasyStore
    Zero setup & yearly fees

    Accept payments via Online Bank Transfers, along with major Credit Cards such as Visa and Mastercard in one account without having to pay any setup or yearly fee!

  •  Instant account approval  | EasyStore
    Instant account approval

    No approval is required. Start getting paid right away and enjoy great potential to boost sales significantly once your Stripe account is activated.

  •  An all-in-one powerful dashboard  | EasyStore
    An all-in-one powerful dashboard

    View your payment reports, bill your customers with one-off invoices or on a recurring basis, handle accounting, optimise checkout experiences for mobile devices, respond to disputes, take quick action for refund cases and more all on a unified dashboard.

  •  Accept up to 135 currencies  | EasyStore
    Accept up to 135 currencies

    Accept payments from customers around the world in 135 currencies. Stripe automatically converts your earnings.

  •  Offer local payments  | EasyStore
    Offer local payments

    Your customers can now check out faster, pay with ease and shop with total peace of mind with secure FPX payment method from 17 banks.

  •  Get protection against fraud  | EasyStore
    Get protection against fraud

    ith Stripe Radar’s machine learning ability, EasyStore merchants can now effectively detect and prevent fraud transactions without blocking legitimate payments.

Increase revenue with Stripe

An IDC study shows that, on average, businesses using Stripe attribute a 6.7% increase in revenue to the Stripe platform.

Increase revenue with Stripe | EasyStore

Stripe x EasyStore

Grow your business
with EasyStore

打造您的品牌大本營,利用高度客製化的解決方案優化您的官方網店。 從視覺設計到使用者體驗,全面提升品牌形象與市場競爭力。 探索我們的拖放式編輯器,無需編程技術即可客製化符合品牌風格的網店,同時確保優異的購物體驗。

無需編碼,使用拖放式主題編輯器即建立獨特線上形象, 依照您的品牌個性客製化網店設計,以時尚簡約的方式展示產品。


  • KIVAS 療癒生活 | EasyStore
    我們非常感謝 EasyStore 提供了一個這麼好的平台讓我們可以自由的去打造專屬自己的官網,讓我們的品牌能夠更完整地被呈現出來。非常推薦 EasyStore 給剛創業或富有品牌自我個性的商家們,因為除了門檻低以外,佈景主題版型也非常豐富多元,適合各類品牌去套用。
    KIVAS 療癒生活 Raymond & Ana — 創辦人
  • Poopyland | EasyStore
    開設實體店數月後,因為疫情的衝擊,決定透過 EasyStore 結合線上與線下銷售。噗比媽會在線上定時分享線下實體活動詳情來與追蹤者互動,Poopyland 也會定時舉辦新手教室線下活動,再利用 EasyStore 客戶關係管理功能鼓勵客戶註冊為會員,以收集客戶資料進行深入經營及再行銷。
    Poopyland 噗比媽 — 創辦人

我們的品牌商家創造了86,316,228,740 的營業額

50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 國家地區
200+ 應用擴充
80+ 生態夥伴