J&T Express X EasyStore
Assist online stores in handling shipping with J&T Express Integration
Run Orders Everywhere with J&T Express
Greet your customers with the world express delivery service
Get Expert Help At 24/7
Ready to serve you with the professional customer service from J&T Express
365 Days Operation
Ship your orders without delay even on weekends and public holidays
Pick Up Service
Offer a speedy and efficient pick-up service to lessen your moving stress
Fast Claim Service
Extra coverage is included to ensure quick and safe for the claim process
Wider Coverage in Malaysia
Nationwide delivery coverage is provided regardless of cities and islands
Real-Time Tracking System
Monitor the latest status of your parcels with the website and mobile app
打造您的品牌大本營,利用高度客製化的解決方案優化您的官方網店。 從視覺設計到使用者體驗,全面提升品牌形象與市場競爭力。 探索我們的拖放式編輯器,無需編程技術即可客製化符合品牌風格的網店,同時確保優異的購物體驗。
Exclusive Promo
使用 EasyStore 建立品牌網店將近一年,這樣的功能換算外面行情價格簡直超高 CP 值,後台使用上也很方便,客服也都會耐心回答。除此之外也可以鑲嵌小外掛跟撰寫程式碼,在金物流串接上也都很方便操作,絕對是適合初入店商的新手來做架設。
theplus 台灣專櫃高級帆布包品牌 -
開設實體店數月後,因為疫情的衝擊,決定透過 EasyStore 結合線上與線下銷售。噗比媽會在線上定時分享線下實體活動詳情來與追蹤者互動,Poopyland 也會定時舉辦新手教室線下活動,再利用 EasyStore 客戶關係管理功能鼓勵客戶註冊為會員,以收集客戶資料進行深入經營及再行銷。
Poopyland 噗比媽 — 創辦人
喜歡 EasyStore 的品牌
50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 國家地區
200+ 應用擴充
80+ 生態夥伴